Back to the original Patsy's for their 75th anniversary. In honor of this occasion, Patsy's rolled back their menu prices to 1933.
Who could resist 60 cent coal oven pies? I thought that it was just the pizzas that were rolled back but I was wrong. It turned out to be the whole menu including appetizers, pastas, entrees, and desserts. This led to more people than I expected and it resulted in people lingering in the restaurant for way too long. To complicate matters, there was no time limit on the tables and no limit on the food. We arrived at 12:30pm and made it into the restaurant at 4pm. While we were waiting on line, we watched as politician after politician walked out of Patsy's looking quite content. The owners tried to appease the restless crowd by bringing out hot slices to the line. I swear it was like feeding time at the zoo. I reached in for a slice and nearly got my hand ripped off. By the time we made it in, we were starving. The wait staff was very friendly given their task at hand. We ordered 4 large pies and then some. The whole thing came to $6.45. Patsy's didn't even reduce the size or quality of their pizza for this event either. I went with a large pie with roasted red peppers. Brian went with the classic plain pie. Less toppings, more slices was his philosphy. It was a good one. We were there for about 2 hours and we were even lucky enough to be there for the cutting of the Birthday cake for Patsy's. Needless to say we could barely move after this pizza feast and by the time I made it back to the lab, I was useless. It was back home for a nap.